Thursday, June 30, 2011

All my cheesy confessions!

I'll keep editing this post as ideas come...

I want to get a heart tattoo
I can't help to take pictures of birds flying

Monday, June 27, 2011's not a matter of scale, it's a matter of time.

We are on the habit of asking the question: "Is it walking distance?"
In reality that does not mean anything the real questions are, what do you want the experience to be? how do you live your life? what is your personal rhythm? and most much time do you have? how do you conceive time?
In fact every walkable surface of the earth is walking distance.
I have always gone on long walks, but after a short trek in the Himalayas I realized that walking had even a stronger meaning, the days were about walking, as well as every destination being only reachable by foot, since then I have made it a point to increase my walking, in distance and in relation to my functional life which in turn is creating a shift in my life's pace.
The pace of contemporary lifestyle is out of sync with our biological and emotional pace, even logical pace... I think it is driving us all a bit insane.

Here something beautiful on walking... and (sorry) a bit unclear, it is from Francis Alys, on what you are not doing while you walk! 


Yesterday I was on the 31st floor at the Chrysler Building... how can it be that even that high you can still feel submerged by the city, still sunk, still surrounded by skyscrapers...


While doing "serious" work in India...I took a break and did this drawing!